It's a crock, Monsieur

I'm Cheryl Lavender and the last three-five years I've been trying to recover from a lot of things. What happened was that I was afraid of all kinds of weird things and these fears sort of starting challenging me for who was in charge here. And therefore, in an effort to defeat the crippling fear sure to come and destroy me, I became a skankofile. Like a francophile, but with skanks. I thought prostitutes were surely demigods of some sort and that they would be sage advisors of good advice to defeat my anxiety. This was wrong thinking; I see that now. Even in the middle of it, I avoided it, and all I did was land in it, get all covered in it. I was in the shit. The only way out of the shit, is not through it, or any other inspirational poster. The only way out is to make things and let them surprise you; this is a blog about things or images or words that surprise me. I edit them frequently; I have to, to keep making it feel righter, I will only tell people of this place I've made if it feels like there's some meat in here. Not yet. I didn't pull it off yet.
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