An open letter to campgrounds

There's a lot of us now: single women campers who full time. We are all over the US, all over the world.

I'm writing this because I'm currently in a campground about 4 football fields in size. It's not even 1/4 full.... so WHY? Why did you stick the "heavy metal trio" four feet from my front door? There's an incredibly huge pile of aluminum cans outside their trailer this morning. I drank a few glasses of wine to be able to sleep through them blaring heavy metal all night.

I'm not mad at them, not in the least. If I'd have needed some rest, I'd have asked them to turn down the tunes. I'm more offended by their choice in music than I am the volume they play it. I contemplated turning on mine (since I have outdoor speakers) so that they could get a taste of good taste. (ha! kidding of course). And I'm thankful, OH SO thankful, that they're not creepers. Three creepy dudes out here next to me when there's not another camper around for a city block would suck.

So WHY are they soooo close? Is it like a restaurant, where each server has a section? Like, when you go in, nobody is in there, but they seat you right next to a table full of screaming toddlers? And the parents are too thrilled either, because now they feel like they have to shoosh their babes, when their babes are just being babes. That's okay. I don't mind any of it, but what I do mind, honestly, is sticking a bunch of party hardy men next to me, out in the middle of nowhere, when they could easily be three spots down.

I've been full time for a little over a month, and I'm going to start taking personal responsibility. I'm going to ask to be parked near other single women. I meet them in the parks, realize we could totally sit around the campfire at night and hang out. Because it's nice to be around people out doing what you're doing. It's a community of friends I hope to build. I have nothing against single men, but there was a park where I was placed right next to one, again a block from other campers, just the two of us, and he decided it would be fun to creep on me.  No thanks!  For some reason, seventy year old dudes have all decided that women in their forties are just dying to be with one of 'em. Seriously? Thanks old balls, but no thanks.

So I'm going to check in and ASK, ask that I be near (but not on top of, in the case of a park that's not brimming with people) other single women. I'm going to ASK that you not send over the "heavy metal trio" or any number of awkward situations. Parks could avoid problems too, by being sensitive to this. They certainly couldn't know that my neighbors were going to rock out all night, but they certainly could put them a few spaces down. The parks could avoid problems by putting a little star next to campers with single women, just as a reminder, let's go ahead and not stick a bunch of guys right next to them, when there's no one else around. Just an idea.


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