Country Music Songwriting Contest
I'm going to give it a shot! The goal is to epically fail which is a freedom I can't describe.
I have one day and 16 hours to change my life and prove I'm a writer. Even if you/me/us don't WIN, the world has more songs in it.
I'm going to write until I can't, and keep updating this along the way. The key to it, I believe, is to make it heartbreakingly personal, to write a love letter to the baby you never conceived, to the ones you've lost, to the people you admire and for anything at all that you love the most. never edit any of these things that pop into your brain, just let the songs travel through you. Edit later. If it sounds outrageously stupid, you're on the right track.
All I've ever been is the weather
Sit with me on this hill
looking over Slusher Valley
let's admire this cloud museum
and fall in love again
with the essence who gives
clouds to decipher
this breeze in these trees
this love in our hearts
all these shades of blue
Let's wait for the moon
to show itself to us again
take off all of our clothes
and run through the woods
we'll hang all our troubles on
the branches because they've
been here long enough to know
soon enough we'll be free
soon enough the breeze
will be swept up in our laughter
and the deer will love our spirit
and they'll wake from their slumber
and run with us to nowhere
and this spirit of us together
will bring the rabbits, and the squirrels,
the foxes and the ghosts in these
and we'll giggle that nobody will
ever believe us, but here we are
and this is real.
My child,
be fierce
be brave
know that your heart
is my deepest love
and your unending compassion
is your greatest gift
Know that I'm always here
with you, rooting you on
Always tell the truth
and never fear
because through it all,
I'm still right here.
Wake me up with the blender
Wake me up with a song
Wake me with a smile
Wake us all up with your smile
Let it remind us we're loved
Let it remind you that you are too
Tell the whale you're a mountain
Tell the forest you're a tree
Tell your heart you're free
And it will follow
Tell me your truth
And I'll show you my smile
Hold my hand and cry
until the tears dry
and we laugh until we're crying again
Grandmother Spider has shown up
to help
a dove on the doorstep
tells me the ancestors are here
A mockingbird stops by daily
to tell me to sing my song
to tell me to be unafraid
to tell me to be unabashedly
in case I forgot
I write the words,
when I'm unable to speak
I point to my wrist
to tell you something's wrong
There's lightning in here
and it's striking me again
I speak in tongues,
and gestures
my throat burns like fire,
and I plan my escape
I leave a packed suitcase by the front door
To remind myself I'm free
And to remind him to hug me
because we can't possibly know
how long we'll be here
I can see that train on the horizon
and I know my days here are limited
but I've seen the truth since I was a child
We can simply greet this gentle transformation
with a gift of nature
Because the next leap is the leap home
and all we've ever wanted is to see our true home
so why fear that?
There's no fear in that place,
that's how souls get stuck here
to go on home
while turning their backs
to its welcome arms
We fear the most tender embrace
as nature kisses us on the lips
and opens the gate
to the magic of our imagination
and all the connections are connected
finally, and all of it adds up
and we wish we'd known this all along
and embraced the glorious joke
of living
If it's fear, let their be joy in it
the way you excitedly scream
on a roller coaster
because that's all there is
and that's all we are
the imagination of ourselves
experiencing this glorious ride
and the pain is just as powerful
and perfect as the love
without one, we couldn't fully
understand the other
Bring in the horns
And by that I mean rage
Let yourself be inside it
without judgements
Let yourself experience every emotion
Until they all sing together
Like a big band on a roller coaster
trying like hell to play
while their mouths get bloody
and their teeth fall out from
blowing their horn
let them swallow their reeds
and know that their mission is pure
that the truth is out there
and we're just playing a tuba on this train
waiting for glory
Wake me up with a tuba
Wake me up with fury
Hold me and sing your song
But don't sit me aside
Don't make me talk to your bitch
Because I won't put up with
discussing mortgages and finance
when life is so much more extravagant
than all that
I'll push her to talk about the crafts
she's embarrassed aren't good enough
We're going to end up in jail before this night ends
Because I'll light her on fire
Burn her down with passion
I'll convince her she's fierce and she'll never come back to
you again.
I'll bring her to my trees,
convince her to climb aloft
and we'll fly together
hellbent on self destruction
because we're chaos, we're love,
we're lust, we've all been through hell
and its goddamn time to fly, right here
and right now, without remorse
All of those who stand at the bottom of this dream
and scream that they're trying to save us because
we'll ultimately fail and die, and we know they
think that but that kind of thinking has them
standing at the bottom of a tree shaking their
fists when they could be up here with us
wildly laughing in the top of this tree
She lives in Kitty Kat Palace,
retired from dancing for fools
and retired from people
She makes astronomical leaps in thinking
and no one ever knows what she'll come up with next
She's got one fool in the bedroom and another in the garage
and they endlessly fight for her love
even though they both know she'll never be won
She's bigger than all of that now
and if she grants you the access to the truths
she now knows about men, you'd be wise to listen
because she can see them from a mile away
People call her a professional, but only those
who get it understand that its a compliment
A professional at understanding and seeing through a man
knowing his kinks, his truth better than he ever will
in the briefest exchange
She's seen him and found him wanting
She's seen him and sat around wondering
if she'll ever be seen too
She gets out her guitar and plays for me
And I see her.
Nobody in their right mind could not recognize
this muse
I salute every dance you've ever been brave enough
to perform
And she tells me if she had a smile like mine,
she'd smile all the time
And if I had this time machine, I'd sail back
and keep that pimp from taking her teeth
I'd beat him unmercifully
But I'd wake up and she wouldn't be here
with me, showing me the path to freedom
so thank god we don't have a time machine
and thank god for that awful pimp, let's go destroy
him now and everything he stands for
She let me see that it's entitlement to know
your birthday
It's an entitlement to have an ID
Take everything the world thinks is important
and she comes up roaring with laughter
because they never had her
and the secret was right there
that to win her was so simple
that it was just to be seen.
I came across a video last night of Guy and Susanna
They were higher than any two people I've ever seen
And they suddenly made sense to me, paved my path
Jesus never made sense to me in church
So we walked and walked the alleys, peeking into
open garages until we found truth
A box of vintage X rated magazines
We giggled at the pictures and all of the wiry hair down there
those bizarre veins in it, how much prouder the men look
than the women, how the bottoms are tiny bags of marbles
the line that divides them looks like the brain of the exposed skull
and it makes glorious sense
While she searches for the biggest and grossest one
I browse the classifieds
There's a picture here of Jesus laughing
And all at once, Jesus makes sense to me for the first time
My holy grail, sitting in the classifieds
The divine gift of understanding
We never tell anyone about the dirty magazines
I never tell anyone that I saw the truth in them.
"How high are you?"
"So high I'm thinking about how cool it feels in your mouth to sing Ooooooo waaaaa ohhhhhh oooooh"
You're halfway there, kid.
Bring in the mystics.
I needed to see my pictures again to remember this place
This open room, how it doesn't have walls
and the forest is just a bunch of trees
if you don't know truth and hold its hand, no matter where it takes you
You're in the hawk's claws now, finally soaring through the air
Just like you had always wished for
But you didn't specify, did you?
That this wasn't how you wanted to fly
You just wished for flight without information
And though you got your wish
You still complain, wallow in your pain
All because you don't know that you could be a hawk,
if you wanted to
That's the only way to prey, boys.
That's the only way to prey.
Know exactly what you want
Know exactly who you want to be
And when you see Jesus smiling,
you're halfway there
I need to see more of my pictures of the skies, of the bones
of the mushrooms, of this moss
DANCE, Party of one.
I can't help it, it started in my fingers
then took holt of me
Why have I never shown these pictures to anyone?
The answer is shame.
When we look in the rearview mirror, back at who we were back then,
we're met with fierce compassion for the child we were a year ago,
recognize that her work was incredible, and that she was incredible too.
And that's a moment of justifiable HOPE, that 1/60 th of a second
between the dice being thrown and their landing
That's the truth, the fraction of time between hope and grief
or hope and glory
I set the music to play whatever it wants, and it takes me on this trip
always playing the right song for that moment, the exact thing I need
to hear
I learned it from a friend who always speaks to me in song
to give me insight when I'm confused
That's not even a metaphor, he knows we speak the same language of song
And no one else in the room can understand our language
and it's beguiling
His wife speaks this language too, and for that one thing alone,
I love her.
When she speaks to me, I never know if the words are coming
out of her mouth, because when I reply to what she's told me,
she seems so stunned. And I, back, when she speaks in truth.
I can't comprehend her level of understanding, because I hadn't
seen it in others before. I hold it like a crystal to my eye, and
wonder why I haven't ever been here before, seeing and being seen,
understood and witnessed.
And then we finally crumble into this high,
like running through the woods under the moon,
and all that's left to talk about is how decent this cheese is.
Ten million images, boxes of negatives, I've never shown anyone.
We're all these stories and these memories and these pictures
we've never felt entitled to show to the world and point to them
proudly and say, "See there's proof I really lived,"
and then more deeply, "I really lived"
It took so many bad ones to make each good
and I'll show them all proudly, wearing my scars with honor
I dreamt that I ran
I ran and ran and ran
When I couldn't run
I jogged
and jogged
and jogged
When I couldn't jog I walked
When I could no longer walk
I crawled
When I could no longer crawl,
I drug myself with my arms,
through the soft sad
and into the fire
the deep gravel
the sharp rocks
and when I woke up
I saw my future
And I nodded to it, in its honor.
At least it gave me grace by showing
me it was all part of the process
and we'd be working this conjuring of this life
in hard mode, because we'd already
conquered all the other levels to the point
we were bored to death to play them again
and dove into this body, this life,
grasping at it like a chipmunk in the claws
of the hawk, dancing to the music of his
impending end
Only that chipmunk knows
that at least he got to fly for a minute,
no matter how brief
He could be terrified,
instead he surrenders
and embraces understanding
what flying feels like
When he shot the first deer, I couldn't speak for an hour. It was shocking and I couldn't put a word on my feelings. I cried at the sight of it, having gone from a mystical creature to this unrecognizable thing on the ground, and I longed to touch its soft feet.
He says they're falling into Hell
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