Country Music Songwriting Contest, Chapter 3, feels like coming down
I've been writing poetry for the songwriting contest since 8 this morning, and if Chapter 3 of this day means anything, it's just that it's better to start on Chapter 1 and come this way if you really want to understand this ride. Chapter 3 is becoming a hero dose of writing.
Rare souls always cave for this one
they say I made a picture of God
I tell them no,
it was the nose of a dog
blended with a moth
and the horns of a ram
over a picture of a turtle
shell abandoned in my yard,
no trace of its former inhabitor
I just rearranged its pieces
until it felt right
because its the most I can do
is be a witness
I found a piece of you today
and it reminded me of flight
I'm still waiting on my wings
I ordered them as a child
believing in answers to prayers
like a damned sucker.
*probably needs to smoke another one or pass out*
but will do neither because I'm not a damn quitter,
I can get good again, after I get through this bit.
Painter Jim, wherever you are
I'm sorry I kept you in a milk jug,
it was only an hour, it must have felt longer
but I wanted to really see you
This caterpillar has a cool name
but I just call it a lemon stingie,
because it's yellow and it has ferocious stingers
and I have to remind myself
to keep distance
ever since my head started a war with me
I'll forget and find out if I'm allergic
*This one is a mashup of different pictures of the sky on different days. Put together the different types of light on the same sunset and the sky becomes a complete mystery.
You boys always remind me
the magic in little things
like jumping on the bed
and firing pop guns
shooting me while I'm shooting you
And letting you jump on the bed
because you only get to do that at my house
And I kind of make a point of letting you
do the things forbidden at home
Because doing the forbidden
elicits a real smile every time
I want them to talk about
going back to Jonnie's house
because I remind them of freedom
*The Plastic Weapon collection I sold on Etsy
**I had a plastic weapon collection I was quite proud of, along with a collection of the "world's saddest trophies," the best and saddest trophy engraved "Janet, 3rd place Bowling, and I took a lot of joy in the stupid things humans create and that sometimes failures are trophies we keep that remind us to stay humble. Perhaps we should have badges for the stupid things we do too, just to remind us, just to remind us that winning is meaningless and that we're all winning some and losing some, all day every day and no success or failure is any better or any worse than anyone else's, and hopefully whichever way it went, it felt meaningful and gave you some insight into the world and the gears in the back of it ever grinding away at waking us up.
I could take out the land behind her,
and her brother
and it would be an ancient painting
of a saint and her deer
I'll protect you from the light
You've done nothing to deserve that
Except sign up for online dating
And you had no idea what you
were getting yourself into the day we met
in person
You haunt Reddit
because all the people on there
talk like you, too much deep thinking
can have you just swimming
in circles
and down that rabbit hole again
and I don't always understand you
letting yourself get so miserable
digging that hole then digging
yourself back out, but oh yeah,
I understand that perfectly
After you spited me,
I heard you were living in your neighbor's
garage shitting in 5 gallon buckets
and brother I never meant to do you
any harm
You were the first to name my movement
You called my work the Nebraskafication
of downtown Las Vegas
and I never forgot it
because you saw it,
and you GOT it,
and you were bold enough to tell me
I'll never forget that
*Daniel did maintenance for the Blue Angel in Las Vegas, and I worked at the bar below the angel,
so we all decided to go see the angel up close one day, Kristin, Double O, Daniel and I
Tell me that after we're gone
We'll haunt the world with this joy
of being able to afford 3 fireworks
so we could afford to get enough alcohol to make it
through 3 fireworks
*found this picture while I was being paid to photograph a corporate McDonald's convention
**funniest thing about convention: that song they played over and over about teen angst or something, dang it, what was that song? I'll remember it later and hopefully remember to come back and put it in here, but it was antithetical to the whole ethos of McDonald's and I found it quite amusing
You and me, her and him,
we are soulmates
in 1/125th of a second,
and for only that brief period
We've never met
and we'll never meet again
But in the picture we live
together forever
and nature has played this divine joke
I'm the only one in on the joke
nobody else ever knew
that they're the same
They've come from
the same Seuss planet
and they'll return
and reunite one day
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